Quiz: Pandemic Life
March 22, 2020
Does voter turnout decline during a pandemic? Why did the Supreme Court weigh in on smallpox? Take the quiz to find out.
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Does it seem like the system is built for insiders? We know the feeling, and we’re here to help you on your path to more active citizenship, from Town Council to Congress. That’s why we created Genius Guides – built-for-anyone roadmaps to understanding our government and what citizens can do to make a difference. Dig into the issues you care about, learn who has the power to change things, and get the tools you need to use your voice effectively. Plus, take a quiz and check out our blog anytime you need a civic pick-me-up.
Does voter turnout decline during a pandemic? Why did the Supreme Court weigh in on smallpox? Take the quiz to find out.
As the coronavirus continues to spread, all federal, state, and local hands are on deck. What are their roles and responsibilities? March 22, 2020 The…
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Trade and treaties face severe criticism from across the political spectrum. This essay examines a different point of view. We live in a globalized world,…
How many Americans support NATO? Do they see free trade as an economic boon or a job killer? Take the quiz to find out.
How easy is it to crack a voting machine? Which city is piloting mobile phone voting? Take the quiz to find out.
The 2016 election catapulted ballot security into the spotlight. Four years later, experts say our voting machines are still old and vulnerable to hackers. Now…
How many Americans say they have meaningful in-person interactions every day? High school civics classes are great, but what’s even better? Take the quiz to…
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